Benefits of Trademark Registration
Trademark registration is governed by 63-1962 Companies Law CAP 268 – Trademark Law. As per the legislation if a company or a sole trader failed to register its Trademark with Trademark Registration office located in Nicosia, does not have any right in court in case of a trademark infringement. Therefore it is essential for your business to register its trademark before starting its trading activities.
Trademark Registration Requirements
In order to trademark your intellectual property, According to TRNC Law your IP will need to fulfil the following criteria in order to qualify for trademark registration:
- A company’s, an individuals or Brands unique and distinguishable name.
- Unique and distinguishable created words.
- A name that does not imply anything regarding quality, character or geographical origin of the goods.
- Distinguishable Logo or Sign can also be trademarked.
Trademark Application Process
In order to register a trademark on your behalf, we will need you to complete Form no 28 provided by Registrar of Trademarks located in Nicosia. Using this form we will conduct a search to check if there are any other similar Trademarks or Brands are in existence.
You will need to provide us with a Proxy document, signed by a Certified Notary, that will allow us to hasten the application process for registering your trademark. Using provided document we will fill out the necessary application documents, and obtain two copies of the trademark/brand name you wish to register and lodge your application payin the accompanying application fee.